Welcome back to 2013 Scruggs Family Reunion blog!! We are now shifting our planning for the reunion into high gear. We know all of you are excited and we are encouraging you to get registered so the reunion committee can expedite the execution of the planned events. We have 20 family members registered and paid as of the writing of the post. We need that number to start quickly grow within the next month. Again, I would like to mention that we need every ones help in getting the word out in-order to make this years reunion a success. We don't want anyone to miss out on the fun and fellowship the weekend of June 16. Also please make your reservations for at least Saturday night at the host site Embassy Suites Hotel. Please see the link to the right on the menu bar to make your hotel reservations online. Remember our goal is to have at least 100 paid family members to join us this year. We will talk again soon. Let's make this year's reunion another memorable one. P.S please post comments to the blog so that we know that you guys are listening.
Registered Members as of March 18, 2010 : 20
Friday, July 16
3:00 pm Hotel Check-in
5:30- 6:30 pm Hospitality and managers reception at Embassy Suites
6:30 – 11:30 pm Reunion Banquet catered by Ruth’s Chris Steak House
Saturday, July 17
3:00 – 6:30 pm Fun filled old time picnic at the home of Charles & Deborah Scruggs
6:30 pm - Until Fun evening of activities (TBD)
Sunday, July 18
8:30 – 10:00 AM Breakfast at Embassy Suites
TBD Worship Services at TBD Location
1:00 pm Lunch (TBD)